Monday, August 20, 2012

August 15, 2012

Next meeting:  September 5th

A bit late to be reporting on our last meeting, but I was in Atlanta watching the Dodgers beat the Braves over this past weekend. And, yes, it was the game where the Dodgers hit three consecutive home runs.

Lucio brought the last two chapters and epilogue of The Horizon Run. I thought it was a good story, but that he needed to focus his writing to fewer characters in any sequel. Still, it was a very good ending and he said he's going to write that sequel. Cat was brimming with enthusiasm since she has a new notebook. Actually, I'm not certain the universe is safe with Cat having more energy. Anyway, her novel The Legion is coming along very nicely. We discussed a bit of how she changed the ending between versions 1 and 2. Don brought more of In The Line Of Fire. Personally, I think it's
his best work in a long while. Good stuff, Don. Nancy is really cooking with Cass and her coming of age novel. I think it's super and she's said she's going to write a sequel. Everyone wants to know more about Cass. Good work, Nancy. Gene brought in Chapter 4 of The Pharmacist and sketched out how things were different in the late 40s and early 50s. It was a peek at a world that is gone now. But his character found a female "friend" - and that stuff never ends well. we'll see. He's gotten a good start to his novel.

Me? More of Suffer The Children. And, yes. I'm working on a sequel to it, too. What's it called? The Ladybug Murders.

Also, we might have a new member. Cat is working on a friend - one that just happened to walk into the room as we were finishing for the night. Cat let me know.

See all of you on the 5th of September.
*Post by Jim Rozhon 

Friday, August 10, 2012

August 1, 2012

We had another good meeting.

Cat was mourning the loss of her hard drive, but her story wasn't lost. The Legion is still a good tale - at least that was our opinion. Don brought another chapter from In The Line Of Fire. It's a good mystery, but one of the best is whether or not Don will reveal the location of the story. Personally, I don't think he needs to. Nancy REALLY cooked with her latest chapter of Cassie's coming-of-age tale. I think this chapter was riveting in the best use of that word. She hit a home run with that chapter. Or put another way: do you have the chops to go against societal conventions the way Cassie is being asked to? Also, she's planning a sequel! Gene brought A Day In Barcelona. While I didn't like that it was a dream, it was still a very good short story and I hope he takes Don's advice and tries to get it published. Me? The latest from Suffer The Children. Life is getting heavy for the kids and everyone seemed worried about them. Cat has read the entire story and tried to calm their fears. MIA's this week: Greg, Dave and Dawn.

On vacation: Lucio. Lucio, dude? Those three chapters weren't crud. Can't wait to see you and tell you why.

*Post by Jim Rozhon