Writer's Photos

Photos of some of our members.  Captions provided without input from the subjects--and they can't do anything about it.

Do they look engaged?  It's because they're reading their own material!

Here's how the average meeting goes:

Writers arrive; we jibber-jab for a few minutes as each person searches their bag for this week's submission.  Sometimes these are handed out to the other members, but often enough (and as I prefer it) they are simply piled in the center of the table, a huge, writer-ly mess.

Every week we start with roughly an hour of reading--our goal, to get through as much of the material brought by other members as possible.  If you don't get to or through someone's material, no hard feelings--and if you're really attached to a story, the writer may allow you to take the piece home until the next meeting.  Several members mitigate this by sending out their work via email in the week prior to meeting.

You're doing it all wrong!

After that, we engage in a round-table discussion, covering one person's work at a time.  Everyone that read a piece of material will make comments.  We aren't here to beat up on each other, to be rude or mean--the goal is constructive criticism.

After that, it's on to the next person's work. 

Our meetings conclude with an update on the next meeting, making sure it's conducive to the other members and their schedules (yes, on occasion we will fudge the meeting date), followed by our traditional greased-pig catching contest.

That last part is probably a lie.

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