Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 17, 2012

Next Meeting:  November 7, 2012

Okay, let's see; what happened last night?

Oh! We have a new member! Julia Nguyen joined us last night and we're really glad she did. Welcome aboard, Juilia.

Now, for other stuff...

Lucio brought chapter 3 of Lady Ansa. I love the way the chapter ended with a mystery. What's below decks and why is it so important? Stay tuned. Cat brought chapters 33 and 34 of The Legion. She was so excited that she started telling us about her next blood-stained story. Keep it up, Cat. You'll convince us yet. Don brought in chapter 1 of his work "untitled as of 10-4-12". I'm sure he'll think of a title with the word "Il Duce" in it soon enough. Otherwise? It's a good start to your work. And Nancy? How can the publishing world keep overlooking Cass and her life? Her latest chapter was quite brilliant. I love her work and hope she keeps writing.

And me? chapters 31 and 32 of Suffer The Children. An aside? You can now read the ending tot he story in our Facebook group because I posted all 8 John Overland novels there. Help yourself.

See you the AFTER THE ELECTION, on November 7th. Goodwin's as usual. This time? Brings ideas for our group book. I'll bring some short stories.

And Gene?

I hope you're okay because we miss you.

*Post by Jim Rozhon

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Contemplation on Writing Group

I've been in this writing group for just over a year now.  I made an attempt to check the date, and I believe the first meeting I attended was July 6, 2011.  I had made a decision to get a little more serious with my writing, and knew one of the first things I had to do was get some extra eyes on my work.  
I poked around online, and found a few local groups.  My thought was that I'd attend a couple groups and feel out which one fit me and my needs best.  I got a little lucky; there happened to be one group meeting in a few days, and their website had no indication of a membership fee.  They also met up at Borders, not 15 minutes from where I work, and I'm not one to turn down an excuse for coffee, nor the chance to peruse the book store.  
I never checked on those other groups.
The people in that group were pleasant and welcoming, and though members have come and gone, the group remains this way at its core.  I have to admit that when I went home the first night, I had trepidation about returning--I told my wife they were a little "too nice" to my work.  I'd like to say something pompous here, that maybe my work was just that good, that it didn't need criticism--in person I probably would, but only because in person you'd see my body language that tells you that I don't really believe that.  Maybe they were being nice to the new guy, maybe it happened to be one of my better chapters, but I can tell you, I've had some bad sessions since.  I've taken in chapters that went over flatly, received the opposite reaction I intended, and had one instance where I completely questioned my understanding of basic grammar.  
The feedback I receive is well and good, but honestly I might receive comparable feedback elsewhere.  I think the main reason this group works for me is that I trust these people.  I trust that they're helping me, and more importantly, I trust them with my work.  I know that several of these people have taken my work home to look at, because I gave it to them.  If they don't clean out their email, they probably have a full 45,000 word novella in a digital format, and I don't think for a second that one of them would do something I wouldn't want them to.  For me, that is the most valuable thing I've found in this writing group.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 3, 2012

Next Meeting:  October 17, 2012
Last night, October 3rd's Meeting:

Missing in action: Lucio, Gene, Dawn and Greg.

We discussed a new bookstore opening in Riverside at the Canyon Crest Towncentre. Its owner, Linda Nurick, is actively seeking writer's groups for the store, so I'm going to try to talk to her about us. The reaction to this move was generally favorable. I'd like to target the new year, but we'll see how things develop. The place is called Cellar Door Books - and it you have to ask where the title came from - you're like me, because I didn't know either.

Don didn't bring anything with him due to a computer explosion in his home. He contributed, though, and that's always a plus. Don? Thank you for being there and helping us. You always do. Dave brought part 3 of "Why It's Hot This Summer". He's keeping his cards close to the vest, but the end of part 3 maybe showed a little bit of where's he's going with this. I like it, it's still very visual and I can't wait for part 4. Nancy? What can I say about your work that I haven't already said? It's brilliant and the chapter you brought last night was as brilliant as all the others. In it, she revealed a lot of what makes Uncle Stan tick. She also showed that Cass is still as strong as she's ever been. She offered a compromise to him about her place on his ranch and he took it. Cat brought in two more chapters from The Legion. We traded possible cover pictures for her story because it deserves publication somewhere. It's a complex tale that she is keeping straight and true. Excellent work, Cat.

And me? 11 chapters to go. But I proved that not all chapters are good ones. Chapter 29 got panned - even by me - which means I have some work to do.

See you on the 17th...

Gene, buddy? Hang in there. We really miss your stability.
 *Post by Jim Rozhon