Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 19, 2012

Notes from December 19 meeting.
Next meeting, January 2, 2012

Well, personally, I liked the meeting. Okay, Nancy and Dawn walked in an hour late, but that didn't spoil our fun. Also, I'm not really certain, but I think we got a new member last night. Brimstone the Dragon joined us and sat on the centerpiece in the middle of the table as befitting his stature as chief intimidator.

Dave brought two chapters from his work "Why It Is Hot This Summer". I thought that the way Fox News described the event was classic. But why won't the anomalies affect the coastlines? Stay tuned. Dave will let us know when he's good and ready. Lucio brought chapter 3 of "Powered". While it's interesting, I still can't tell if it's tongue-in-cheek because it sure seems that way. Every town has its own superhero? Classic. Dude, we'll read. You write. Dawn brought in Chapter 7 from "Stormborn". I love her prose and love her protagonists. While she called this chapter "transitional" that didn't mean she didn't write it well. Girl? Same advice. You write, we'll read. Nancy brought in the latest chapter on Cass's struggles in World War I - era Corona, California. I didn't get a chance to read it, but I brought home a copy of it, so i will. But Nancy? I still love Cass and I think you're telling a terrific story. Cat, Miss TLD, brought in her latest from The Legion and steadfastly defended the ending of her work. If you can't defend your own story, who can? Girl? Nicely done. I yield. Cassaundra brought in what she described as the start of a novel. It's a very good start to a very good mystery. Or, how would YOU react if you woke up in a strange room with bandages all over you? Nicely done, girl.

And me? I'M DONE with Suffer The Children. The reaction was fairly split between people like Dawn who thought the kids were going to suffer for what had happened to them way beyond what I described in the ending and those like Cat and Cassaundra who liked it. Either way, I'm going to re-read the last few chapters and make a decision on an ending. THANKS, FOLKS!

My next project is "The Lambs Lay Down".

See you on the 2nd! See you in the New Year!

Unless, of course, the Mayans were right about tomorrow.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 5, 2012

Notes from December 5 meeting.
Next meeting, December 19, 2012
Yeah, we met for the first time at Cellar Door Books last night. I'd say we did fairly well because despite sitting next to the kid's section, we only managed one f-bomb all night. Even Linda Nurick, the owner, approved of us - <fist pump>...

Don brought chapter 1 of his work - Double Crossing. It's a spy novel, so stay tuned for some super sleuthing. It's a good start to a good subject - Italy just prior to the outbreak of World War II. Lucio brought in a worked he titled Powered. It's seems that all the super heroes are in trouble. Holy Conspiracy, Batman! What will we do without our superheroes? Stay tuned because Lucio has the answer. Nancy brought in her latest chapter of Cass's story. She's beginning to see how the world works - and even as it pertains to horse jumping. I still think there's a time bomb named Uncle Stan in the middle of all this. Again, stay tuned. Our little and adorable CAT found a new friend last night, Belch the Dragon. He even puffs smoke just before he belches. And The Legion? There's nothing wrong with it that a new ending won't cure. KIDDING, CAT!!! Tell belch to stand down! Our newest member, Cassie Moses brought in Miracle and I thought it was very well done. It's a story of how a young girl is left pregnant after a one-night stand. Very well done, Cassie. Dawn, alas, was story-less, but she brought her gavel nonetheless and kept Cat in line...for most of the night.

And me? Well, Dawn hates it Suffer The Children, Cat hates it, Don hates it, Lucio hates it, Nancy hates it and Cass hates it but is too new to admit it. Oh well, three more chapters and you won't have it to kick around any more.

And that's it until the 19th , same time, same station.
 *Post by James Rozhon

Monday, December 3, 2012


Reminder!  December 5 meeting location changed to:

Cellar Door Books,
5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 30A/B,
Riverside, CA

I'm adding a "Directions to Cellar Door Books" map icon to the right--just input where you're coming from, and you should get a functional map and directions.
In the image below, the Green square is the location of Cellar Door Books, and the Red area is Jammin' Bread. 

Obviously the picture is an actual picture of Cellar Door  Books--the sky may even be that color by the time we start our meeting.
 Looking forward to seeing you all!