Contact us

Are you looking for a writing group?  Have any questions regarding your own writing, our writing group, or the distance a person at sea level can see on a clear day?   Or maybe you just want to pay us a compliment--I can't blame you, we are rather charming...

Whatever it is, feel free to free to contact us at the email addresses below:
(email addresses protected using the super-elaborate encryption system called "spelling it out")

Contact Jim, our fearless leader:
James dot rozhon at
FYI, Jim isn't all that fearless--he's scared of bees and fluffy bunnies.

Contact me, the fearless website updater:
lucioman79 at gmail dot com


  1. Someone deleted my membership in the Facebook group. I sent a request for membership. Can you put me back in? I have 10 novels posted in there.

    Jim Rozhon

  2. We are still active, but the site hasn't been updated due to outside obligations. We currently meet the first and third Wednesday of each month (This month it's today, March 5, and March 19th), at the IHOP off of the 215 at Heacock. We start arriving at 6pm to order food, and start discussion around 6:30pm.

    If you're still interested, feel free to contact me again. We generally send our work out the week prior via email and our facebook group, so we can get directly to the discussions rather than sit around all evening and read (as we used to).
